Jana Din, along with her husband, John Lee, co-founded the Tao Center for Healing. Jana’s personal interest in holistic healing began in 1985, when she observed how powerfully John’s healing work assisted her mother with colon cancer. It was during this time that Jana fully embraced health and wellness as resulting from a balanced mind, body, spirit and soul. Subsequently, she began studying and eventually teaching with author Carol Ritberger, Ph.D., in her four year medical intuitive training programs. Concurrently, Jana also began a six year apprenticeship with a shamanic healer.
Furthering her training as a healer, she traveled to Nepal to receive teachings from Aama Bombo, one of the 13 International Council of Grandmothers. In 2005, Jana began conducting shamanic healing sessions, assisting her clients, which include people such as physicians, nurses and other medical clinicians, healing practitioners, educators, counselors, therapists, attorneys, and business owners, with healing their deepest core soul level issues. In 2013, Jana also began providing volunteer shamanic healing services in collaboration with Dr. David Steinhorn for his critically or terminally ill, or injured pediatric ICU patients. The shamanic
healing support and collaboration between Jana and Dr. Steinhorn was featured in a nationally broadcast TV show, Healing Quest, in a segment titled, “Shamans in the ICU.” Shamans in the ICU See bio below.
Prior to doing healing work, Jana began her gratifying career as a dedicated high school teacher with an emphasis in health, wellness, and nutrition. Her understanding of holistic healing further complemented her teaching of these subjects. In 2011, she was selected to represent her school district as Teacher of the Year. As a lifelong educator, Jana teaches holistic health workshops and brings internationally known healers to conduct healing sessions at the Tao Center for Healing.
Jana Din Shamanic Healing
janadin86@gmail.com Cell # 916-202-5310